Sacrum lumen. Sacred light 2

Wing of change


Q & A


‘Do you write down your dreams?”


“No. Not  beyond  that of the odd appearance in my artwork. I’m a very light sleeper with vivid dreams.  And I usually wake up with them rattling around in my head until they make some kind of sense to me. For example.  In my dreams I can fly. It’s easy. It’s great. And within these dreams I’m always trying to show others how to fly. Then after their disgruntled, half hearted attempt to get off the ground, I find I can’t get off the ground  either.  I had this kind of dream many times until I realised that I do the same thing in real life.  I’m quite happy in my own way.  And I’m a sharer.  I go out of my happy little way to share and help.  Then I end up getting lumbered with others  problems. Problems of their own making, and completely within their own grasp to resolve with a little effort. Then I get home exhausted after sorting their problems out and can’t get off the ground myself. Sound familiar?”


Wing of change
