Sacrum lumen. Sacred light 

Atom’s cruciform


Now on permanent location at Chetham's Library, Priests' Wing. https://library.chethams.com/

Manchester Cathedral 2022


Atom’s cruciform on exhibition in the Jesus chapel at Manchester Cathedral during Lent 2022. A big thank you to both Manchester Cathedral and Chetham’s library for making this possible. 

Atom’s Cruciforms A3 Lent poster download

ATOMS cruciform 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [5.3 MB]

Atom’s Cruciform. In the beginning. 2021

Do you believe our soul can keep up with the rapid pace of our "never-ending-further" to grasp the science behind all things?



At the outset of the COVID pandemic,  I happened upon various atom sketches by Quaker,  John Dalton,  from  1808.  His sketches set the foundation for Atom’s Cruciform.


Later, I avidly  followed NASA's Mars Perseverance rover on Mars with it’s high resolution pictures of the red planet.  https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/ 


And throughout the pandemic, the world of science and Faith stood firm, side by side with great resolve.  And our "never-ending-further" continued because of this. 



I’m guessing that from whatever planet (or space station) our scientific minds gaze upon the heavens from,  heaven it will always be.  And we will be forever raised beyond ourselves. 

Irrespective of how we may believe we came into existence, I’m sure we can all agree that it was not of our design. 


And without purpose beyond that of procreation?


Additional information


The almost monumental black void of a supporting structure is meant to be symbolic of a vast dark space from which this lifeblood emerges. 

The slots in the back are meant to contain prayers, well wishes and hopes for the day.

Atom’s cruciform.  In the beginning. 2021 

Full size images Download  


Atom’s cruciform 1
JPG image [876.3 KB]
Atom’s cruciform 2
JPG image [825.2 KB]
Atom’s cruciform 3
JPG image [891.8 KB]


In the beginning. 


All Elements of the above artist statement are fashioned here in one way or another. With references to colour, red is symbolic of life blood. White, the stars. And black, outer space. 


With reference to colour arrangements, the white horizontal line with its blip of a heartbeat in the centre is symbolic of, a heartbeat. The vertical zig-zag lines are meant to be symbolic of moving atoms and have you looking on likewise. And the groups of black are meant to mark the COVID 2 meter distancing rule.


The two bottom white jewels in a line are symbolic of the crossed feet of Christ. 


Strangely enough, Mars and NASA's Mars Perseverance rover on Mars are both here by way of a single red jewel with a slight black smear across it, and the back of the top atom being red.  All the backs of the others are black. 


And finally,  John Dalton by way of his atom motif. 


I had spent some time playing around with alternative  arrangements before settling on the final one. And to tell you the truth, I was torn between aesthetics and symbolism. 

                                 Symbolism won. 


W30cm H76cm D30cm


Get Arty and Colour me.

In what way would your chosen colours and arrangements tell your story?  Feel free to download the colouring files below and create your own unique meaning behind them.



Download 1  A4 Atom's cruciform colouring sheet with John Dalton info. 


Download 2  Full A4 Atom motif colouring sheet.

Atom’s full page
JPG image [3.0 MB]



Atom’s cruciform at 
Chetham's Library


Atom's cruciform in its permanent location at Chetham's Library, Priests' Wing. https://library.chethams.com/



Atom’s cruciform was sparked by John Dalton's atom sketches from 1808. His decision to come to Manchester to teach and study was almost certainly influenced by the presence of Chethams Library, which had by then established a significant collection of scientific and mathematical works.  


Join Manchester writer Rosie Garland as she guides you through the libraries of Manchester, going behind the scenes with intimate tours and lots of fun along the way.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkmZnmFBKhg



John Dee.

In the 16th century, Elizabeth I sent her court astronomer and advisor John Dee to Chetham’s for some well needed rest and relaxation. John Dee was a bit of an alchemist and during his experiments there, he unwittingly conjured up a devil. Hastily the devil was expelled but not before a defiant stomp of it’s hoof on the sideboard which remains to this day.   


What pleases me much about all this is that Atom’s Cruciform is on permanent location in that very room at Chetham’s library. 


John Dee.1527-1608. 
